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Using Emojis in RichTextLabel

Example code of using emojis in RichTextLabel (included in addon: res://addons/emojis-for-godot/examples/

extends RichTextLabel

var text_with_emojis: String:
        if !is_node_ready():

        text_with_emojis = value
        bbcode_enabled = true
        text = EmojisDB.parse_emojis(value)

    get: return text_with_emojis

func _ready() -> void:
    if !Engine.is_editor_hint():
        bbcode_enabled = true
        text = EmojisDB.parse_emojis(text_with_emojis)

This is the result of the above code, with text_with_emojis = "Cool Label :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: :smiling_face_with_sunglasses, 72:" RichTextLabel Example Screen Shot