Emojis for Godot


Important! Upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1

As 2.1 version use font instead of texture atlas in doesn’t need so many files. So to Upgrade in correct way you should:

  1. out side of godot
  2. remove 2.0 version form addons/ dir
  3. put 2.1 version into addons/ dir
  4. happy using new addon version

Now compatible with emojis Unicode 15.1

Version 2.1 (Godot 4.x):

This addon provides the following nodes to use emojis in Godot:

  • EmojiIcon: A node that displays an Emoji.
  • EmojiButton: A node that displays an Emoji as a button.

Version 2.x is rewritten to give you access to EmojisDB singleton for easier use of emojis anywhere in your project.

It’s also adds EmojiFinder to the Godot’s Project > Tools menu. So you can find the emojis easily.

EmojiFinder Screen Shot