Rakugo Project Devlog #2/25
Hi everyone, welcome to 2st devlog of Rakugo Project in year 2025. This devlog is overdue as those releases are ready for sometime, but due to my poor financial situation, I have a slight depression, which makes it hard for me to tackle trivial things like devlog. So if you find my projects useful, please support project thought Patreon. I really appreciate it and I will also be able to devote more time my projects, if you do so!
3.0.1 Changelog
- fix bug that crashed project when theme was null
3.0 Changelog
- now it uses
var instead of_text
- fix Markdown doesn’t work as intended #96
- removed support for obsoleted Emojis for Godot and Godot Material Icons
- add support for Godot Font Icons #97
- add example for button with AdvancedTextLabel that uses ButtonContainer #98
- removed old AdvancedTextButton node
- new better hits system that also can use markup #99
- fix Some Ren’Py markups doesn’t work #102
- inspector update for AdvancedTextLabel #104
New AdvancedTextLabel inspector
It hides text
and bbcode_enabled
this makes addon more secure to use
as this to shouldn’t be changed manually.
Markdown now works with both mode by default
Before you had to choose in between using _
or *
if was using Markdown parser, but now by default
you have new mode both
so you can use any of both,
this means that, both versions works a the same time:
_italics_ *italics*
__bold__ **bold**
- point in list
* point in list
Button with AdvancedTextLabel
I removed AdvancedTextButton,
as now thanks to my other addon Rakugo Nodes,
is much easier configure button created using this nodes:
AdvancedTextLabel, ButtonContainer and MarginContiner
You also need to mouse_filter
to Ignore
in both MarginContiner and AdvancedTextLabel.
If you want me to crate AdvancedTextButton please make request.
Hints 2.0
For me I never could make Godot’s BBCode build-in [hint]
markup to work,
also I knew that hint like this would be very simple,
as it would’t support any markups and looks just like simple tooltip.
To fix that AdvancedText 3.0 introduces Hints 2.0. We added simple to modify HintPopup singleton scene res://addons/advanced-text/HintPopup/hint_popup.tscn
How have to define from where Hints should be taken
in AdvancedTextLabel by overriding _hint_requested()
In feature versions I will make it easier to use without out this requirement.
This how it can looks implanted in game.
Godot Icons Fonts
Changelog 1.2.1
- Fix Godot freeze when non Emoji of given name when parsing text is not found
Changelog 1.2.2
- add order layout (they allow to display only icon without label):
- Icon (for FontIconButton)
- Toggle (for FontIconCheckButton)
- make new crated FontIconCheckButton
layout_order = "Label-Icon-Toggle"
by default
Changelog 1.2.3
- Fix bug that cause toggle icons in FontIconCheckButton not always working.
Changelog 1.2.4
- fixes errors #15
- rewrite part of #15
- better fix Layout order on init new FontIconCheckButton
- add layout_alignment export var
- made
layout_vertical = false
by default
See you soon in next devlog!