Rakugo Project Devlog #26: Advanced Text finally ported to Godot 4.1
Hi everyone, welcome to 5th devlog in year 2024. It is the 26th devlog of Rakugo Project. I’m happy to announce I finally ported Advanced Text addon to Godot 4.1. Docs for this version are also ready.
I also have a great request that you consider the monetary support of the project trough Pateron or Itch.io, because I have recently had a big financial problems.
What is Advanced Text
Extends RichTextLabel and adds support for Markdown and RenPy. Our RenPy Markup and Markdown have some extra stuff so read docs to learn it. This new version is designed in way so any one can crate its own TextParser to use with AdvancedText nodes.
Advanced Text 2.0
- Rewrite from strach
- Works with Godot 4.1 new newer
- Uses Resources to make it easy to custom
- Support our Emojis, Icons and RDS addons
- Now allow to customize look of Headers
- Online Docs
- Download
Advanced Text 2.0 Features
- Supports Markdown and RenPy
- Adds headers supports RenPy and BBCode
- Support for variables in Rakugo Dialogue System use
- Support Emojis For Godot use
- Support Godot Material Icons use
Advanced Text 2.0 Nodes
- AdvancedTextLabel - RichTextLabel that allow to use one of included TextParsers
- AdvancedTextButton - AdvancedTextLabel that behaves like a button
- AdvancedTextCheckButton - AdvancedTextLabel that behaves like a check button
Advanced Text 2.0 Resources
- TextParser - base class for our TextParsers
- ExtendedBBCodeParser:
- base of for our RenPy Markup and Markdown parsers
- includes support for things mentioned in Features
- RenPyMarkup - RenPy Markup Parser with extra tags so it is 100% replaceable with Godot’s BBCode
- MarkdownParser - Markdown Parser with extra stuff so it is mostly replaceable with Godot’s BBCode
See you next Week or soon.