1 minute read

Hi everyone, welcome to 6th devlog in year 2024. It is the 27th devlog of Rakugo Project. I’m happy to announce few new exacting stuff:


We just stared to porting it to Godot 4.1+ and to use version of our addons. Little part was ported, but it will change a lot soon, as it will be used our other new project that we announce to day Rakugo Game Template as it base.

Here is a video of current version in action:

Rakugo Game Template

Rakugo Game Template is new project made by @salty64 and @theludovyc. It is inspired by the GGT of Crystal-bit and the GGT of Maaack. This Godot’s project aiming to provide a way to make games easily.


  • Main Menu with Play, Options, Credits and Exit buttons
  • Options Menu to set audio, resolutions, and inputs
  • Loading Screen between each loads
  • Transitions between each scenes
  • Game Template Scene with a Pause Menu and a End Menu (Win/Loose)
  • Pause Menu with Resume, Restart, Options, Main Menu, and Exit Buttons
  • End Menu with Restart, Main Menu and Exit Buttons
  • Scene Loader use it to load and change scene easily
  • UI Sounds Manager handle the UI sounds in one place

You can download it Alpha from github repo.

Here are few videos of Template in action:

AdvancedText 2.0 Hotfix 1

This is a small hotfix that fixes bug that made hard to set _text and text values back to empty in AdvancedTextLabel and other addon’s nodes. It is ready to download

See you next Week or soon.