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RakuScript is Rakugo Dialogue scripting language inspired by Ren'Py Scripting Language.

You can use with RakuScriptDialogue node or using:



character [char_tag] [char_name]

Equivalent in GDScript:

Rakugo.define_character(char_tag, char_name)

Create/Define a new character with this char_tag and char_name

Character Example

character Gd Godot


# set variable
[var_name] = [value]

# get variable

# get variable from character

Equivalent in GDScript:

# set variable
Rakugo.set_variable(var_name, value)

# get variable

# get variable from character

Create a new variable with this var_name and this value assigned. If other_var_name or char_tag.var_name is defined, use value of other_var_name or char_tag.var_name. If this variable already exist, value is replaced by new one. To change variables values in RakuScript you need to use workaround.

Variable Example

# create / set variable
life = 5

# assign value form other variable
life = max_life

# assign value from character
life = Gd.max_life

Character's variable

# set variable
[char_tag].[var_name] = [value]

# get variable from character

Create a new variable with this var_name on character with this char_tag, and this value assigned.

If other_var_name or char_tag.var_name is defined, use value of other_var_name or char_tag.var_name.

If this variable already exist on this character, value is replaced by new one.

Character's variable example

# create / set character variable
Gd.friendship = 5

# assign value from other variable
Gd.friendship = max_friendship

# assign value from character
Gd.friendship = Gd.max_friendship


[char_tag] [String]

Character with this char_tag say String

When Say is executed, a signal sg_say is send with dictionary of data for the character with this char_tag and this String in parameter.

If no character with this char_tag is found, signal is send with an empty dictionary.

After Say is executed, Rakugo automatically waiting, it send a sg_step signal:

  if Rakugo.is_waiting_step():

Say Example

Gd "Hello !"

No character


Say String

When Say is executed, a signal sg_say is send with empty dictionary and this String in parameter.

Example of say with no character

"Hello, world !"

Use variables

<[var_name]> or <[char_tag].[var_name]>

You can use variables in Say, Rakugo replace them by their values in String before send signal sg_say.

Example of using variables

"My name is <>, and I have <life> point of life"


[var_name] = ? [question]
[var_name] = ? [question] [placeholder]
[var_name] = ? [character_tag] [question] [placeholder]

It can be used get user input as string, for example you can use it to ask user for a his/her/their name.

After a Ask is executed, Rakugo waiting call of ask_return signal:

if Rakugo.is_waiting_ask_return():

Ask Example = ? "What is your name ?"
player.age = ? "How old are you ?"

It can be used to create a ui that switches between different branches of dialogue tree.

menu menu_emily:
    "Talk with emily" > emily_talk
    "Blop" > test_dialog

It must start it from menu menu_name: "Choice" - is choice and > is used to jump to other dialog/label or menu. Menu block ends with empty line.

After a Menu is executed, Rakugo waiting call of menu_return signal:

if Rakugo.is_waiting_menu_return():


jump [label_name] or jump [menu_label_name]

It will jump dialogue branch with given label_name or menu_label_name.

Jump Example

jump start

jump shop_menu

Jump If

jump [label_name] if [condition]

It will jump dialogue branch with given label_name or menu_label_name if condition is true.

Jump If Example

jump emily_date if emily.relationship >= 20