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Hi everyone, here is the 20th devlog of Rakugo Project. I’m happy to announce that we add huge new features in RakuScript this release including:

  • now is possible to use double quotes inside strings example: "it is a "really" good one"
  • using assignment operators like: =, +=, -=, *=, /=
  • using variables in any string: say, ask, menu and for variables

Rakugo Dialogue System 2.2

Full Changelog: https://github.com/rakugoteam/Rakugo-Dialogue-System/compare/2.1.1...2.2


Using double quotes

Like the title says, you can do that now "it is a "really" good one"

Added with #257 use double quotes inside strings by @theludovyc in #261

Variables inside strings

The big update of this version ! You can now use variables inside any strings, for say, ask questions and ask variable, menu choices and for variables !

# example
player.life_str = "You have <player.life> life points left"

A very important thing: string is replaced with a value when you use/read it, not on assignment.

# example
player.life = 10
player.life_str = "You have <player.life> life points left"
player.life = 5
narrator "<player.life_str>"

The narrator will say: “You have 5 life points left”.

# example
# both returns "You have 5 life points left"

We took advantage of this to let you a new Rakugo method replace_variables(text:String).

# example
Rakugo.replace_variables("You have <player.lifelife points left")
# will return: "You have 5 life points left"

Added with #255 Use variables inside any strings by @Jeremi360 in #256

Handle common operators for variable assignment

Another big update! You can use assignment operators like: =, +=, -=, *=, /= to assign a value to a variable. Before that you could only use = - it allowed only to overwrite variables values. Example: gd.bugs -= 1 We would like to handle expressions for the v2.3 (example: damage = dps + boost + 1)

Added with #262 Handle common operators for variable assignment by @theludovyc in #263

HTML5 export now works on itch.io with firefox

Some time ago Rakugo wasn’t working on itch.io with firefox for html5 export, because we use multi-threading feature. it wasn’t handled on this website. It is now resolved !

Fixed by #52 Rakugo not works on itch.io with firefox

You can see my @theludovyc post here https://itch.io/post/5713938, and the main one https://itch.io/t/2025776/experimental-sharedarraybuffer-support.

So you have just one thing to remember when you export now, is to not forget to add your .*rk files rakugo-docs/2.1/export

Fixed Bugs

  • fix #49 handle escape characters by @theludovyc in #254
  • hotfix for menu index out of range by @theludovyc in #258

Other Changes

  • hotfix remove prints in Parser.gd by @theludovyc in #253
  • fix #259 remove warning in get_character by @theludovyc in #260
  • Bump version to 2.2, clean up rakugo dir from git config files by @Jeremi360 in #267

We will update our docs soon. This is all form us, see you next time.

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